Many companies, whether commercial or social, hire private investigators for different criminal cases and cases of fraud. There are both private and government investigators, and licensed private investigators are the most reliable investigators. Generally, a private investigator does not need to have a license. There are many states in which the license is not required, but there are also some states which make it necessary to have a license in order to work in their countries. Some states hold an exam to get the license. A licensed private investigator can investigate any kind of case. There are different types of cases which need private investigation. For example, cases of matrimony, like cheating, fraud, suspicion over the spouse, etc. need investigations which can be kept secret.

Other cases of crimes in the field of insurance, business, murder cases, etc. also need an investigator in order to find out the truth. There are many training centers for the training of investigation. One can do a professional course in the field of investigation and can acquire a license.
In the field of private investigation, there are people from military, police, federal services, and spies, etc., who after their retirement take up this profession. This profession needs a keen observation power, an eye for detail, good communication skill so that one can question suspects and can bring out the truth from them.
A licensed private investigator can be hired by an individual for his personal cases, and can also be hired by a group to investigate in a certain case. These investigators collect data and different information related to the case in order to help you get the truth.
Q. How long does it usually take for you to trace an individual?
A. Our standard reports are completed within a 28 day time period. We also can provide an Express Service to you which is usually (24-48 Hours), 7 days, a 14 days and a 21-day service.
Q. Does it happen that you cannot locate a subject?
A. Our own success rates are extremely high. For the few occasions where we are unable to locate the subject, we have the standard ‘No Trace: No Fee’ policy and you will not be charged. There is, therefore, no risk in using our service, you will be reimbursed.
Q. Do you provide a full report which is written?
A. All of our clients receive a full written report detailing the subject’s traced address and any other useful background information. (Note: We can also provide an emailed report in either EXCEL or WORD formats)
Q. What information do you require to initiate an investigation?
A. In a perfect world as much as possible, but we just ask you to provide us with everything that is relevant. Any previous addresses or even relatives addresses are helpful employment details, telephone numbers (including mobiles) plus any other relevant information for you.
Q. How do I instruct you to start your investigations?
A. We need written instructions from you – we then provide the Trace Instruction starting Spreadsheet or standard Instruction Form For more guidance on instructing us to contact me by email, post or fax machine.